Unfortunately, the 'pause' mechanism, or whatever the little 'thingy' is called that allows me to do that, was not functioning properly. I had my cup in one hand, the glass carafe in the other and a stream of coffee running freely everywhere (even though I was shouting, "Stop. Stop.")
I tried putting the carafe back, but by this time, the bottom plate was filled with the brown liquid and that only made it run all over the counter.

So, half a roll of paper towels, wet feet and wet floor and I still didn't have a cup of coffee. I proceeded to make a new pot, waited until it was done brewing (my momma didn't raise no dummies) and, at last, was able to savor the wonderful taste of my first cup of coffee in the morning.....or maybe it was mid-morning by now....all the while muttering about pause mechanisms.
As I read my devotions, I became very aware of God asking me about MY pause mechanism. Was it functioning or was my life 'running all over the place?' Hmmmm......I have to admit I don't pause too often. Yes, I stop to smell the roses, as the old saying goes, but that isn't an actual pause with a purpose.
I am a list maker and usually make my list of things to accomplish the next day right before I go to bed. When I open my eyes, my first thoughts are usually about the things on that list. I do start each day with bible reading and devotions, but as soon as I'm done, I am off to accomplish something. If I would pause for a few extra minutes; not necessarily praying or reading, but just sitting, thinking about my family, my friends; wouldn't my day be better? Possibly.
What about 'pausing' before making a retort to someone or before commenting on a FB post we don't agree with or before saying something hurtful or words we were supposed to keep confidential?
Years ago, Coke had a commercial tagline. It described the soft drink as 'The Pause That Refreshes."
I believe a pause in our days, our thoughts, our speaking and our rushing about might very well be refreshing; to our minds, our hearts and our souls.
Remember to pause for a few minutes tomorrow as you make your coffee and several more times during the day.